Support:, Prefix: .
Command Syntax: () = required argument, [] = optional argument



antinuke ban (status) [parameters] - Prevent mass bans.
antinuke kick (status) [parameters] - Prevent mass kicks.
antinuke channel (status) [parameters] - Prevent channel creation and deletion.
antinuke role (status) [parameters] - Prevent role creation and deletion.
antinuke webhook (status) [parameters] - Prevent webhook creation.
antinuke emoji (status) [parameters] - Prevent emoji deletion.
antiuke sticker (status) [parameters] - Prevent sticker deletion.
antinuke vanity (status) [parameters] - Prevent server vanity change.
antinuke botadd (status) [parameters] - Prevent bot addition.
antinuke permissions (type) (permission) - Monitor when dangerous permissions are granted or removed.
antinuke permissions grant (permission) - Monitor when dangerous permissions are granted.
antinuke permissions remove (permission) - Monitor when dangerous permissions are removed.
antinuke permissions list - View all dangerous permissions being monitored.
antinuke logchannel (channel) - Set channel to send antinuke actions when triggered.
antinuke whitelist (member) - Add or remove a member to/from the antinuke whitelist.
antinuke setvanity - Set vanity substring to revert back as (this is a lie).
antinuke whitelisted - View all antinuke whitelisted members.
antinuke admin (member) - Give member access to configure antinuke modules.
antinuke admins - View all antinuke administrators.
antinuke view - View all antinuke module punishments and thresholds.
antinuke configuration - View the antinuke configuration.


prefix - View server prefix
prefix set (text) - Configure server prefix.
prefix remove - Remove the server prefix.


avatar [member] - View the avatar of a member or yourself.
botinfo - View information about crude.
donate - You love crude? Donate to us!!
help [command] - View all bot commands.
invite - Get the bot invite.
ping - View the bot ping.
serverinfo [server id] - View information about the server.
support - Get the bot support.
uptime - View the bot uptime.
userinfo [member] - View information about a user.